Portway Hill public right of way improvements

Our marvellous volunteers have once again been busy, this time opening up the old public right of way through the old quarries on Portway Hill. This means that walkers now have a fully functional right of way through a part of the hillside that was so badly overgrown it had become impossible to negotiate. Here are a few photos of the hugely improved right of way!

5 thoughts on “Portway Hill public right of way improvements

    1. janetav Post author

      Hi Dave. Access the hillside from St Brades Close (from the end nearest Tower Road). Upon reaching the wooden waymarker post, instead of turning left or right go straight on. Descend the slope where the path has been cut through the bank and stay on this path which curves round to the left and then descends a relatively steep bank enclosed with shrubs on both sides. At the bottom of this bank the path curves right and then left to meet the main Public Right Of Way (PROW) about 80m down from the Wildlife Trust cairn. In recent years this old PROW had become virtually impassable because of encroaching vegetation but it is now completely open to the public.



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